Rosa Parksová rozpráva svoj príbeh v 15 vetách
Do rozprávania doplňte nasledovné slová
arrest |
boycott |
bus |
demonstrations |
fare |
fine |
husband |
jail |
law |
man |
passengers |
race |
seat |
section |
would |
1 |
On 1 December 1955 I got on a ____ in the downtown area. |
2 |
I paid my 10 cent ____ and went to the section for black passengers. |
3 |
I am mixed ____ but under law I am black. |
4 |
That´s why I am not allowed to sit in the ____ for white people. |
5 |
Later a white ____ got on and tried to find a seat. |
6 |
There was no free seat in the section for white ____. |
7 |
The driver told me to give up my ____ and stand at the back. |
8 |
I refused and I said that I ____ not move from my place. |
9 |
The police came and said they would ____ me if I don´t obey. |
10 |
I repeated my “No” and they took mi to the local ____. |
11 |
Four days later I was found guilty of breaking the ____. |
12 |
The judge told me that I had to pay a ____ of $14. |
13 |
While I was in the court, several people organized a ____ of the buses. |
14 |
In the streets there were ____ led by a young preacher Martin Luther King. |
15 |
In 1957 I moved to Detroit with my ____ because some people from the Ku Klux Klan wanted to kill me. |
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