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Témy prezentácií a projektov pre 7. ročník

3. 9. 2021


Class 7:


1 How I moved house or changed school

Where you lived (went to school) before. Why you moved. The difficulties. The situation now.


2 A famous person

Tell the class about a famous person who is not alive now. Why is he/she famous? What he/she did? Give some basic facts about his/her life.


3 My weekend

Tell the class about your weekend. What you did. Where you went. What was with you. How it was.


4 My favourite person (e.g. in my family)

His/her name. Who he/she is to you. Some facts about him/her. What you like about him/her.


5 Our world in the future

What our world will be like in twenty or thirty years. What things will be different. What will be better and what will be worse. Give some predictions.


6 My future

Where you will be in twenty or thirty years (job, marital status etc)


7 Describe an accident or a crime

What happened. Where and how it happened.  People there. What they were doing and what they did.


8 A dangerous situation that I experienced

What happened. Where you were and what you were doing. How you dealt with the situation.



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