Interview with Lewis Gordon Pugh
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Doplňte do rozhovoru tieto slová:
before |
break |
dangerous |
fun |
information |
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problem |
swam |
swim |
temperature |
was |
water |
why |
you |
zero |
I: |
Who are _____? |
L: |
I´m Lewis Gordon Pugh and I often swim in the ice-cold _____ of the Southern Ocean or Arctic Ocean. |
I: |
Do you swim for _____? |
L: |
No, I don´t swim in cold water for fun or just to _____ records. |
I: |
So, _____ do you do that? |
L: |
I want to make people aware of a big _____ which is the global warming. |
I: |
Where did you _____ last year? |
L: |
Last year I _____ near the coast of Antarctica. |
I: |
What was the _____ of the water? |
L: |
The water there was about _____ degrees. |
I: |
Was this swimming safe? |
L: |
No, this swimming was very _____ because of leopard seals. So _____ diving into the water I made sure there were no penguins there because leopard seals eat penguins. |
I: |
_____ this your last swimming in cold water? |
L: |
No, I haven´t finished swimming, in fact I´m going back to swim in the Arctic ocean _____ year. |
I: |
Where can we find more _____ about your activities? |
L: |
You can visit my web page. You can also watch a video about me. |
I: |
Thank you very much, Mr Pugh. |